
UniTaskr Blog

UniTaskr is home to worlds largest network of students freelancers, content creators and nano-influencers.

What is the UniTaskr UGC Platform?   SHOUT’s self-service UGC platform is the ultimate playground for your …

You may first be asking, what is the UniTaskr Academy? The UniTaskr Academy is a training programme …

Want to take part in SHOUT campaigns but not getting hired? Firstly, ensure your socials are inputted correctly on your UniTaskr account. All good?

The internet age brought with it the chance for people to build organic, loyal followings largely by being themselves, and becoming opinion leaders when it came to marketing.

Businesses that are considering their marketing strategy for the next few months should focus on influencer marketing.

What Are Nano-Influencers?

Many everyday social media users are beginning to promote products and services and people with only a few hundred or a few thousand followers are joining the bandwagon. 

The concept of influence marketing is not a new concept, with mascots and brand spokespeople existing for hundreds of years.

As many as 53,500 students who did not get the grades they hoped for are now hoping to grab a place through clearing, perhaps ending up somewhere far from where they expected.

Here are some tips on how to spend your summer if you’re a student:

Influencer marketing works by using people on social media to promote and provide information about your brand in a way that is genuine and believable.

Influencer marketing is now a well-established part of the marketing and PR scene, so much so that for many brands, particularly those aiming their products and services at the young, it is hard to imagine marketing campaigns without them.

There could be a rise in the uptake of student influencers this term, as more young people might be looking for ways to make money amidst the financial crisis.

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